Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Twelfth Night Essays (556 words) - Cross-dressing In Literature

Twelfth Night The intricate plot - loaded with mixed up personalities, misled interests, high satire, low deceives, and unforeseen strength - starts as a boat, conveying the indistinguishable twins Viola and Sebastian is destroyed off the shoreline of an anecdotal nation, Illyria. Viola is washed aground on this outsider coast and becomes persuaded that her dearest sibling is dead. She discovers that she is close to the home of Olivia, a youthful royal lady who is likewise in grieving, for her as of late dead dad and sibling. Appropriately, Olivia has promised to have no contact with men for a long time, and specifically she is dismissing the passionate advances of the youthful Duke Orsino Urgent to realize how to endure, and to keep the soul of her twin sibling alive, Viola chooses to mask herself as a kid. She changes herself into Cesario, goes into the administration of Orsino what's more, is before long sent to charm Olivia for the Duke's sake. Olivia stays unaffected by Orsino's considerations in any case, ends up rather pulled in to youthful Cesario, who thusly starts to become hopelessly enamored with Orsino. As Viola says, My lord adores her profoundly; And I, poor beast, affectionate as much on him. What's more, she, mixed up, appears to adore me. At the point when Viola's twin Sebastian unexpectedly develops, fit as a fiddle, this triangle is confounded nearly to a limit. While Orsino, Viola, Olivia, and Sebastian are distracted with their sentimental fates, Olivia's family unit is similarly busy with a force battle between the testy, severe steward, Malvolio, and her uproarious and bibulous uncle, Sir Toby Belch, joined by his vacuous, maverick companion, Sir Andrew Aguecheek, and Olivia's house cleaner, Maria. For his own monetary finishes, Sir Toby urges Sir Andrew to charm Olivia, while plotting Malvolio's mortification. All through, Feste, the generally cryptic of performers, goes back and forth between the two family units, saving nobody he meets his pointed bits of knowledge and his mind. Written in 1600 or 1601, this play is Shakespeare's last rom-com. The comedies which followare a lot darker. Twelfth Night typifies a large number of the subjects from his previous comedies. For occasion, he utilized the gadget of having a lady become hopelessly enamored with another lady camouflaged as a man. Here and there, Twelfth Night can be named Shakespeare's statement of regret to Phebe. Though Rosalind overwhelms As You Like it, we have numerous focuses of enthusiasm for Twelfth Night. Orsino proceeds with the topic of excessively hopeful love we have found in Orlando. The setting has a diverse inclination from Merchant of Venice and As You Like It- - two plays in which Shakespeare plainly differentiates the universe of reality with some progressively quiet condition. (Rather like the single setting of Much Ado About Nothing), we find in Twelfth Night the twin places of intensity - the home of Orsino and the home of Olivia. Illyria itself is a totally different spot from the Forest of Arden, and before the play started, Antonio has been fighting against the powers of Orsino. The translation of Malvolio will be significant to your general reaction to the play. I would watch that his appearance cross-gartered with yellow stockings definitely enchants crowds. Be that as it may what amount of compassion do you provide for Malvolio? In contrast to Jaques and Duke Frederick, he is a reluctant substitute. I suggest that the more established the entertainer playing Malvolio, the more genuinely and unfortunately the crowd will take him. One should likewise think about the likenesses and contrasts between two different sorts of characters from As You Like It: Viola versus Rosalind and Feste versus Touchstone. English Essays

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Seventies Essay Example For Students

The Seventies Essay How the 1970s Shaped American HistoryThe Nineteen Seventies was a mainstream society decade. From Hippies to Disco and Saturday Night Fever to The Brady Bunch, the Seventies were brimming with social changes that formed society for a considerable length of time to come. Albeit mainstream society was significant, numerous political results additionally happened. The Watergate embarrassment, the official finish of the Vietnam struggle, and the United States Bicentennial all occurred during this decade. Oil and atomic issues emerged, and Abortion was sanctioned just because. The Nineteen Seventies are frequently discolored by recognitions of them, yet in fact numerous advances occurred in this ten-year range. When glancing back at amusement, style, and music history of the nineteen seventies these were likely the best and most powerful occasions of this decade. Numerous famous actors, for example, Jane Fonda, Robert Redford, and John Travolta emerged in this decade. Motion pictures like Jaws, Saturday Night Fever, Rocky and Star Wars were on the film screens and were another kind of uninhibited film that had at no other time been socially permitted before the seventies. Musically, except for Disco obviously, the seventies will be profoundly venerated. Lynrd Skynrd, Bob Marley, Simon and Garfunkel, Led Zeppelin, The Eagles and innumerable different gatherings emerged on the stone scene. We should anyway additionally recognize Disco and gatherings, for example, the Bee Gees and KC and the Sunshine Band. Garments was totally free and chime bottoms, swimsuits and love dots were typical. There were not, at this point exacting clothing regulations and the new free soul of the seventies certainly showed that. T.V.s went to shading, V.C.R.s were imagined, DNA was simply starting to be unfurled, innovation was starting to bloom. Atari was developed, PCs improved, and home apparatuses were restored. The mid seventies involved such things as the Kent State University Massacr e in 1970, which brought about the passings of four guiltless understudies by National Guardsmen, and The Roe v. Swim Supreme Court choice in 1973 that assisted with bringing forth the womens development that engaged the whole decade. The primary Earth Day was praised on April 22, 1970 and propelled another natural development, and hostile to war fight were all around until the authority U.S. pullout from the Vietnam strife in 1973. Charles Manson arranged the homicides of many individuals, and it was obvious that society was radically evolving. The Richard Nixon Watergate embarrassment including Democratic headquarter data that ensnared the president in illicit concealments and exercises with reserves was presumably the one thing that the vast majority recollect most about the 1970s. Those met, and specialists have both said that it was the most noteworthy occasion of the decade. It caused an extreme doubt of the Federal Government, and the Democratic party, which has stemmed into legislative issues today. This occasion, which prompted the denunciation procedures and extreme abdication of president Richard Nixon on August 9, 1974made an enduring impact on legislative issues, government, popular assessment, and the manner in which majority rule government is thought about. Atomic testing, bringing about wellbeing and ecological issues was likewise an intriguing issue in this timespan. The Nuclear waste spill and radioactive break at The Three Mile Island Nuclear plant in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania in 1979. The new natural inclination that was being achieved in this decade assisted with realizing the possibility of safe atomic tasks and removal of atomic waste. Outside relations, all in all were bad with Iran, or Russia. We had a prisoner emergency with Iran, a Grain ban with Russia, and an oil ban prompting a gas emergency in the United States. The women's activist development was at its zenith during the 1970s. In light of activists, for example, Gloria Steinem and Bella Apzug, ladies were getting more acknowledgment. Ladies sports stars, for example, Billy Jean King were likewise getting acclaimed. Work environment segregation was tended to, rallies held, and bra consuming started. This extra time empowered ladies to battle for what they had faith in without stressing over what it would resemble to other people. The Roe v. Swim choice by the Supreme Court gave ladies more opportunity of decision, just as the promptly accessible conception prevention pill. Alongside this womens unrest there was a sexual unrest during the 1970s. 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Monday, August 17, 2020

English Grammar 101 Nouns and Pronouns

English Grammar 101 Nouns and Pronouns EP 29: English Grammar 101: Nouns and Pronouns EP 29: English Grammar 101: Nouns and Pronouns This week we continue our weekly mini series. We are investigating the foundations of English grammar, starting with the basics and moving on from there. This week we discuss two parts of the sentence: nouns and pronouns. Join Cath Anne as she explores these two fundamental components of English grammar. Looking for study tips, help with essay writing, or advice on how to be a better student? Welcome to The Homework Help Show, a weekly show where we teach, assist, and offer valuable insights for student life. From study hacks to writing tips, discussions about student mental health to step-by-step guides on academic writing and how to write a resume, weve got you covered. Want your questions answered? Write them below or join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #askHHG TRANSCRIPT: Cath Anne: [00:00:05] Hi there. My name is Cath Anne and welcome to The Homework Help Show. We present you with valuable content for your academic life. This week we continue our series on Grammar 101. Cath Anne: [00:00:19] Last week we discussed the sentence. This week were going to discuss one of the common components of a sentence, which are nouns. Well also talk a little bit about pronouns. Cath Anne: [00:00:33] Lets begin. Cath Anne: [00:00:36] A noun is a word used to describe a person, place, or thing, event, idea, and so on. Nouns represent one of the main elements in the sentence along with verbs, adjectives, prepositions, and articles. Cath Anne: [00:00:52] Nouns usually function as subjects or objects within sentences although they can also act as adjectives and adverbs. This week we will only talk about nouns that act as subjects or objects. Cath Anne: [00:01:07] There are many different types of nouns. Let me give you a list with the different types of nouns. Cath Anne: [00:01:16] We have proper nouns. Proper nouns are used to describe a unique person or thing. Cath Anne: [00:01:40] Proper nouns also always start with a capital letter. Thats a really good way to remember what a proper noun is. So some examples may be my name Cath Anne. We may talk about a country as a proper noun such as Canada or may refer to a locale such as a church, for example St. Andrews Church, a city, anything that has to be capitalized in that does fulfill the role of a noun in a sentence would be considered a proper noun. Cath Anne: [00:02:14] Second we have common nouns. Common nouns are used to describe persons or things in general. Cath Anne: [00:02:32] So examples of this would be: girl, country, team, cat, chair. They are just general nouns that we use in everyday speech. Cath Anne: [00:02:46] Thirdly, we have concrete nouns. Nouns that can be perceived through the five sentences. These are what are called concrete nouns and these can also be considered common nouns. For example: ball, rainbow, and melody or rhythm could be considered concrete nouns because you can feel them through one of your five senses. Cath Anne: [00:03:27] In contrast, we then have abstract nouns. Abstract nouns cannot be perceived through the five senses and that is why they are called abstract because they are not concrete. So examples, of these nouns would be: love, courage, childhood. They present ideas, but theyre not necessarily concrete. However, theyre still considered nouns. Cath Anne: [00:04:02] We then have countable nouns. Of course you probably guessed these nouns can be counted. They also have both singular and plural forms. So examples might be toys, chairs, children, books. So, as you can see with the example of children, it has a plural form. The singular is child; children is a plural. These are considered countable nouns. Cath Anne: [00:04:53] Then of course, we have non-countable nouns. These are nouns that usually cannot be counted. Cath Anne: [00:05:03] So, I will specify that this does mean usually because there are some exceptions where these nouns may be able to be counted, but in general they dont have a plural form. So, examples of these would be: laughter, sympathy, oxygen. As you can see these forms of words do not have plurals, so they are not necessarily countable, so theyd be considered non-countable nouns. Cath Anne: [00:05:38] Finally, we have collective nouns. Collective nouns are used to describe groups of things. So, for example, flock, like a flock of birds; committee. Its a singular word to describe a group of people. So, as you can see, that is why these are considered collective nouns. Cath Anne: [00:06:03] So, in all we do have seven different types of nouns that can be used as part of the sentence and that make up the components of a sentence in the English language. Cath Anne: [00:06:16] Now, we also do have something called pronouns and they are related to nouns. Pronouns are used to replace nouns within sentences. This helps to make a sentence less repetitive and mechanic. So, for example, we could say, Mary didnt go to school because Mary wasnt feeling very well. But, that doesnt just sound quite right does it? Instead you could say, Mary didnt go to school because she was sick. It makes the sentence flow a little better. In this sentence as you might have guessed the pronoun is the word she. So, in this sentence Mary and she are noun and pronoun. Cath Anne: [00:07:44] As I did with the nouns I will now give you a list of the types of pronouns. Cath Anne: [00:07:51] Lets begin with the subjective personal pronouns these may be a little complex, so I would encourage you to pause the video as I go along and take notes. Cath Anne: [00:08:02] As this name implies subjective pronouns act as the subject within sentences, so were looking at words like: I, you, he, she, we, they, it. For example, we might say, I am going to the bank while he is going to the market. So, in this sentence were using the pronouns I and the pronoun he. They act as the subject and object within the sentence so they are subjective. Cath Anne: [00:08:40] We also have object personal pronouns these pronouns are as object of verbs within the sentences so they are words like: me, you, him, her, us, them, it. Cath Anne: [00:08:54] So, for example, The ball was going to hit me in the face. In this case me is the objective personal pronoun. I really hope that doesnt happen to me. Cath Anne: [00:09:11] We also have a possessive personal pronouns, so these pronouns are used to indicate possession as the name implies and they are placed after the object in question, as opposed to possessive adjectives which are placed before the object in question. So, these possessive personal pronouns are words like: mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, and its An example of a possessive adjective would be, This is my car. So, my is a possessive adjective, whereas saying, This car is mine. Mine is the possessive personal pronoun in this sentence because it is a noun and it does not act as an adjective. Cath Anne: [00:10:01] We will get a little bit more in-depth with adjectives and how nouns act as adjectives as the weeks go on. We also have reflexive pronouns, This is a special class of pronouns and it is used when the object is the same as the subject of the sentence. Cath Anne: [00:10:23] So, for example you may have heard words like: myself, yourself, himself, or herself, themselves, ourselves, and itself. These are all considered reflexive pronouns. So, for example, I managed to cut myself in the kitchen. Myself would be a reflexive pronoun because I am the subject of the sentence. Goodness gracious, Im having a rough time, Im getting hit by a ball and then getting caught in the kitchen. Geez Louise. Cath Anne: [00:10:57] Then we also have interrogative pronouns. As you probably guess, these are pronouns that ask questions. So they are: what, who, whom, and whose. Cath Anne: [00:11:12] So, for example, we might say, What are the odds?; and this is considered an interrogative pronoun. Cath Anne: [00:11:23] Next, we have demonstrative pronouns. These pronouns are used to indicate a noun and distinguish it from other entities. Cath Anne: [00:11:35] They are: this, that, these, and those. You might hear these words commonly in English grammar: this, that, these, and those. So, the example of a demonstrative pronoun is, This is the right one. Cath Anne: [00:11:55] Finally, we have indefinite pronouns. As the name implies indefinite pronouns do not refer to a specific person, place, or thing as nouns do and as more definite pronouns do. There are many indefinite pronouns and this includes: anyone, anywhere, everyone, none, someone and so on. So, as you can see these words are somewhat a bit more vague than some of the other words that are more direct that we have already discussed. So, for example, if we were to use one of these words in a sentence we might say, Everyone is going to the party. We could also say, No one is going to the market this Sunday. You could also ask, Is anyone going to buy lunch today? So, those are some examples of some indefinite pronouns. Cath Anne: [00:13:01] So, that is it for the lesson this week, folks. We hope that this information was of benefit to you. Best of luck returning to school and just a little reminder make sure to start jumping on with me on Instagram Live and Facebook Live every Monday at 7:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. I will be there to have a little chat with you guys and talk about life and if you have any academic questions, thats great too, and Ill also give you a little reminder to check out our videos. Love to connect with you guys. Cath Anne: [00:13:40] Also, if you are looking for some more valuable content put on by Homework Help Global, definitely check out Homework Help Global on various social media platforms. Were on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google Plus, YouTube, Medium, we have lots of great blogs on there. Cath Anne: [00:14:03] Were on SoundCloud, Anchor, iTunes Apple Podcast and now were also on Spotify. So, if youre a podcast listener that can be a really great way to access our content. Cath Anne: [00:14:17] Also, just a quick reminder that if you did like this video and you are liking our content, please give it a like and subscribe to our channel because that will help us know that youre enjoying the content and will keep producing awesome content for you guys. So, thats it for this week signing off. My name is Cath Anne and I will see you soon. English Grammar 101 Nouns and Pronouns EP 29: English Grammar 101: Nouns and Pronouns EP 29: English Grammar 101: Nouns and Pronouns This week we continue our weekly mini series. We are investigating the foundations of English grammar, starting with the basics and moving on from there. This week we discuss two parts of the sentence: nouns and pronouns. Join Cath Anne as she explores these two fundamental components of English grammar. Looking for study tips, help with essay writing, or advice on how to be a better student? Welcome to The Homework Help Show, a weekly show where we teach, assist, and offer valuable insights for student life. From study hacks to writing tips, discussions about student mental health to step-by-step guides on academic writing and how to write a resume, weve got you covered. Want your questions answered? Write them below or join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #askHHG TRANSCRIPT: Cath Anne: [00:00:05] Hi there. My name is Cath Anne and welcome to The Homework Help Show. We present you with valuable content for your academic life. This week we continue our series on Grammar 101. Cath Anne: [00:00:19] Last week we discussed the sentence. This week were going to discuss one of the common components of a sentence, which are nouns. Well also talk a little bit about pronouns. Cath Anne: [00:00:33] Lets begin. Cath Anne: [00:00:36] A noun is a word used to describe a person, place, or thing, event, idea, and so on. Nouns represent one of the main elements in the sentence along with verbs, adjectives, prepositions, and articles. Cath Anne: [00:00:52] Nouns usually function as subjects or objects within sentences although they can also act as adjectives and adverbs. This week we will only talk about nouns that act as subjects or objects. Cath Anne: [00:01:07] There are many different types of nouns. Let me give you a list with the different types of nouns. Cath Anne: [00:01:16] We have proper nouns. Proper nouns are used to describe a unique person or thing. Cath Anne: [00:01:40] Proper nouns also always start with a capital letter. Thats a really good way to remember what a proper noun is. So some examples may be my name Cath Anne. We may talk about a country as a proper noun such as Canada or may refer to a locale such as a church, for example St. Andrews Church, a city, anything that has to be capitalized in that does fulfill the role of a noun in a sentence would be considered a proper noun. Cath Anne: [00:02:14] Second we have common nouns. Common nouns are used to describe persons or things in general. Cath Anne: [00:02:32] So examples of this would be: girl, country, team, cat, chair. They are just general nouns that we use in everyday speech. Cath Anne: [00:02:46] Thirdly, we have concrete nouns. Nouns that can be perceived through the five sentences. These are what are called concrete nouns and these can also be considered common nouns. For example: ball, rainbow, and melody or rhythm could be considered concrete nouns because you can feel them through one of your five senses. Cath Anne: [00:03:27] In contrast, we then have abstract nouns. Abstract nouns cannot be perceived through the five senses and that is why they are called abstract because they are not concrete. So examples, of these nouns would be: love, courage, childhood. They present ideas, but theyre not necessarily concrete. However, theyre still considered nouns. Cath Anne: [00:04:02] We then have countable nouns. Of course you probably guessed these nouns can be counted. They also have both singular and plural forms. So examples might be toys, chairs, children, books. So, as you can see with the example of children, it has a plural form. The singular is child; children is a plural. These are considered countable nouns. Cath Anne: [00:04:53] Then of course, we have non-countable nouns. These are nouns that usually cannot be counted. Cath Anne: [00:05:03] So, I will specify that this does mean usually because there are some exceptions where these nouns may be able to be counted, but in general they dont have a plural form. So, examples of these would be: laughter, sympathy, oxygen. As you can see these forms of words do not have plurals, so they are not necessarily countable, so theyd be considered non-countable nouns. Cath Anne: [00:05:38] Finally, we have collective nouns. Collective nouns are used to describe groups of things. So, for example, flock, like a flock of birds; committee. Its a singular word to describe a group of people. So, as you can see, that is why these are considered collective nouns. Cath Anne: [00:06:03] So, in all we do have seven different types of nouns that can be used as part of the sentence and that make up the components of a sentence in the English language. Cath Anne: [00:06:16] Now, we also do have something called pronouns and they are related to nouns. Pronouns are used to replace nouns within sentences. This helps to make a sentence less repetitive and mechanic. So, for example, we could say, Mary didnt go to school because Mary wasnt feeling very well. But, that doesnt just sound quite right does it? Instead you could say, Mary didnt go to school because she was sick. It makes the sentence flow a little better. In this sentence as you might have guessed the pronoun is the word she. So, in this sentence Mary and she are noun and pronoun. Cath Anne: [00:07:44] As I did with the nouns I will now give you a list of the types of pronouns. Cath Anne: [00:07:51] Lets begin with the subjective personal pronouns these may be a little complex, so I would encourage you to pause the video as I go along and take notes. Cath Anne: [00:08:02] As this name implies subjective pronouns act as the subject within sentences, so were looking at words like: I, you, he, she, we, they, it. For example, we might say, I am going to the bank while he is going to the market. So, in this sentence were using the pronouns I and the pronoun he. They act as the subject and object within the sentence so they are subjective. Cath Anne: [00:08:40] We also have object personal pronouns these pronouns are as object of verbs within the sentences so they are words like: me, you, him, her, us, them, it. Cath Anne: [00:08:54] So, for example, The ball was going to hit me in the face. In this case me is the objective personal pronoun. I really hope that doesnt happen to me. Cath Anne: [00:09:11] We also have a possessive personal pronouns, so these pronouns are used to indicate possession as the name implies and they are placed after the object in question, as opposed to possessive adjectives which are placed before the object in question. So, these possessive personal pronouns are words like: mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, and its An example of a possessive adjective would be, This is my car. So, my is a possessive adjective, whereas saying, This car is mine. Mine is the possessive personal pronoun in this sentence because it is a noun and it does not act as an adjective. Cath Anne: [00:10:01] We will get a little bit more in-depth with adjectives and how nouns act as adjectives as the weeks go on. We also have reflexive pronouns, This is a special class of pronouns and it is used when the object is the same as the subject of the sentence. Cath Anne: [00:10:23] So, for example you may have heard words like: myself, yourself, himself, or herself, themselves, ourselves, and itself. These are all considered reflexive pronouns. So, for example, I managed to cut myself in the kitchen. Myself would be a reflexive pronoun because I am the subject of the sentence. Goodness gracious, Im having a rough time, Im getting hit by a ball and then getting caught in the kitchen. Geez Louise. Cath Anne: [00:10:57] Then we also have interrogative pronouns. As you probably guess, these are pronouns that ask questions. So they are: what, who, whom, and whose. Cath Anne: [00:11:12] So, for example, we might say, What are the odds?; and this is considered an interrogative pronoun. Cath Anne: [00:11:23] Next, we have demonstrative pronouns. These pronouns are used to indicate a noun and distinguish it from other entities. Cath Anne: [00:11:35] They are: this, that, these, and those. You might hear these words commonly in English grammar: this, that, these, and those. So, the example of a demonstrative pronoun is, This is the right one. Cath Anne: [00:11:55] Finally, we have indefinite pronouns. As the name implies indefinite pronouns do not refer to a specific person, place, or thing as nouns do and as more definite pronouns do. There are many indefinite pronouns and this includes: anyone, anywhere, everyone, none, someone and so on. So, as you can see these words are somewhat a bit more vague than some of the other words that are more direct that we have already discussed. So, for example, if we were to use one of these words in a sentence we might say, Everyone is going to the party. We could also say, No one is going to the market this Sunday. You could also ask, Is anyone going to buy lunch today? So, those are some examples of some indefinite pronouns. Cath Anne: [00:13:01] So, that is it for the lesson this week, folks. We hope that this information was of benefit to you. Best of luck returning to school and just a little reminder make sure to start jumping on with me on Instagram Live and Facebook Live every Monday at 7:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. I will be there to have a little chat with you guys and talk about life and if you have any academic questions, thats great too, and Ill also give you a little reminder to check out our videos. Love to connect with you guys. Cath Anne: [00:13:40] Also, if you are looking for some more valuable content put on by Homework Help Global, definitely check out Homework Help Global on various social media platforms. Were on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google Plus, YouTube, Medium, we have lots of great blogs on there. Cath Anne: [00:14:03] Were on SoundCloud, Anchor, iTunes Apple Podcast and now were also on Spotify. So, if youre a podcast listener that can be a really great way to access our content. Cath Anne: [00:14:17] Also, just a quick reminder that if you did like this video and you are liking our content, please give it a like and subscribe to our channel because that will help us know that youre enjoying the content and will keep producing awesome content for you guys. So, thats it for this week signing off. My name is Cath Anne and I will see you soon.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Malacostraca Family Crabs, Lobsters, and More

Crabs, lobsters, and their relatives (Malacostraca), also known as malacostracans, are a group of crustaceans that includes crabs, lobsters, shrimp, mantis shrimp, prawns, krill, spider crabs, woodlice and many others. There are about 25,000 species of malacostracans alive today. The body structure of malacostracans is highly diverse. In general, it consists of three tagmata (groups of segments) including a head, thorax and abdomen. The head consists of five segments, the thorax has eight segments and the abdomen has six segments. The head of a malacostracan has two pairs of antennae and two pairs of maxillae. In some species, there is also a pair of compound eyes that are located at the end of stalks. Pairs of appendages are also found on the thorax (the number varies from species to species) and some of the segments of the thorax tagma may be fused with the head tagma to form a structure known as the cephalothorax. All but the last segment of the abdomen bears a pair of appendages called pleopods. The last segment bears a pair of appendages called uropods. Many malacostracans are brightly colored. They have a thick exoskeleton that is further strengthened with calcium carbonate. The worlds largest crustacean is a malacostracan—the Japanese spider crab (Macrocheira kaempferi) has a leg span of up to 13 feet. Malacostrocans inhabit marine and freshwater habitats. A few groups also live in terrestrial habitats, though many still return to water to breed. Malacostrocans are most diverse in marine environments. Classification Malacostracans are classified within the following taxonomic hierarchy Animals Invertebrates Arthropods Crustaceans Malacostracans Malacostracans are classified into the following taxonomic groups Crabs, lobsters, and shrimp (Eumalacostraca) - There are about 40,000 species of lobsters, crabs, shrimp, and their relatives alive today. Members of this group include krill, lobsters, crabs, shrimp, prawns, mantis shrimp and many others. Within this group, the most familiar subgroups include the crabs (a group more than 6,700 species of 10-legged crustaceans that have a short tail and small abdomen that lies beneath the thorax) and the lobsters (of which there are several groups—the clawed lobsters, spiny lobsters and slipper lobsters).Mantis shrimp (Hoplocarida) - There are about 400 species of mantis shrimp alive today. Members of this group bear a superficial resemblance of the praying mantis (which is an insect and thus is not closely related to mantis shrimp).Phyllocaridans (Phyllocarida) - There are about 40 species of Phyllocaridians alive today. Members of this group are filter-feeding crustaceans. The most well-studied member of this group is Nebalia.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Yolngu people Free Essays

Compare and contrast the life stages and life course of your own cultural group with that of a significantly cultural group within Australia. Media Child’s You Just need to ensure your sentences are direct and to the point – applying the correct terminology Introduction The Yowling indigenous people make up one of the oldest cultures on earth, stretching back more than 40,000 years and make up more than 50 clans, each has its own country, they have with twelve different dialects and many ceremonies that are all concerned with acting out the stones and lore’s of the ancestral pasts which Is tutee different to western life In Australia. The Yowling people divide themselves Into two basic divisions, or moieties, called Dhow and Wartime and are connected by a complex kinship system called guru. We will write a custom essay sample on Yolngu people or any similar topic only for you Order Now They have avoidance relationships with son- in-law, mother-in-law and brothers and sisters for their culture to function unlike Australian culture where we have no (need extra). The genders attend ceremonies separately to follow traditions unlike our customs where all a mix of genders are supposed to attend functions. Life stages are the are the steps we go through wrought our life journey that shape our identity, some stages are rights of passage others are actions or just simply participation that affects the self due to the experiences that we encounter. The fundamental deference between the cultures is the connection to the country or land and how the Yowling people see their land as their mother; who will take care of them and watch over them whereas we see land and property to Improve our finances and as as our status. Body Life stages form outsource is the path from birth until death that is shaped by our sections; the concept of our life stages where certain age groups go through rites of passage is similar is the same In both cultures. Often involving individuals being separated from society to go through the translator and then being reincorporated back Into society: such as ceremony for Yowling people and marriage for Australians where we (give wedding example). The Yowling hold some ceremonies just for men that are intended to mark a new stage of life for the individual and develops one’s identity within the Yowling culture which is essential for progressing towards man hood and to be accepted as a man. It may involve being taken away from the group for up to a week to learn different skills such as hunting and when they come back they are viewed as a valued contributor that holds a different more experienced status or role after the ceremony (good). In typical Australian culture life stages can form a series of rights of passage such as getting our car license, turning eighteen or moving out of These stages are marked by events and functions. Often events such as an eighteenth birthday mark an important time in an individual’s life where they’re now considered as an adult. .. Giving them the right to†¦. Portent due to their specialized knowledge because they have been around the longest and have experienced the most whereas in Australian culture we are a capitalist society and value people with power, money and authority; we value materialistic items whereas the Yowling people value knowledge and care about what’s on the inside, not the outside (physical appearance). The Yowling people holder stronger bonds outside blood ties, they have strong links with their extended family and are expected to follow family traditions whereas in Australian culture we focus on our immediate family (be specific – what type of Emily). Yowling groups are connected by a complex kinship system called guru, this system governs fundamental aspects of Yowling life, including responsibilities for ceremony and marriage rules. Yowling life is divided into two moieties, Dhow and Wartime, each of these is represented by people of a different number of groups, each that have their own lands, languages and totems. Avoidance relationships also exist in Yowling culture the two main ones include son in law, mother in law and brother and sister. In Australian culture we have similar relationships where it is frowned upon for first cousins to marry and is illegal to marry your brother or sister. The life course or path that one chooses may depend on life events and the opportunities put in front of them. Yowling culture performs traditional rituals and would never do anything to hurt the land, as the land is their mother, which ensures that they follow traditions and stick to their culture rules to protect what means most to them. They look up to the elders in their tribe and share tight bonds within their group; they see each other together as one and thrive of the idea of belonging. The sys all aim to be selected to go through ceremony to become a man and see it as a reward. If you have not had the ceremony yet you cannot marry nor fall in love. Whereas in Australian culture we have more freedom with the choices we choose to make with the help and influence of our peers. We look up to our parents and older family members but also the ones with power and money such as teachers or a wealthy boss. In Australian culture we have the choice to determine our own interests and hobbies, our peers have shaped us to be who we are but we also have individuality. In life we are expected to follow through with traditional education and hobbies and care for one another, mainly your immediate family. Our gender within society reflects the roles we play and the choices we determine. In Australia we tend to want to follow our path to self-fulfillment and to get a good Job and earn a satisfying income. Conclusion The life stages and life course of the Yowling culture and our Australian culture both explore different traditions and experiences that shape and define the people we are today. While we all experience life stages our lives are marked by different rites of How to cite Yolngu people, Papers

Monday, May 4, 2020

Conglomerate Under the Microscope free essay sample

A conglomerate under the microscope In 1960, Arthur Rosenburg founded Tyco when he opened a laboratory to do experimental work the United States government. It wasn’t until 1962, Rosenburg incorporated the business as Tyco Laboratories. The company’s focus was on energy conservation products and tech materials science for commercial use. In September 1964 Tyco went public and began its acquisition of other companies to enlarge its development and distribution network. Over the 22 years Tyco grew substantially through key acquisitions and growing diversity within the corporation. Some key acquisitions included: †¢1974: Simplex Technologies, manufacturers of undersea fiber optic telecommunications cable †¢1976: Grinnell Fire Protection Systems, manufacturers of and contractors for fire sprinkler systems †¢1979: Armin Plastics, manufacturers of polyethylene film products †¢1981: Ludlow Corporation, manufacturers of packaging products. The addition of these companies, a total equity of $49 million, $500 million in total sales, and a net worth $140 million pushed Tyco into the spotlight as a major conglomerate. All of the accomplishments and growth of Tyco can be contributed aggressive management by Roseburg and all executives who followed in his footsteps. Tyco is comprised four business units: Electrical and Electronic Components, Healthcare and Specialty Products, Fire and Security Services, and Flow Control. The Companys name was changed from Tyco Laboratories, Inc. to Tyco International Ltd. in 1993, to reflect Tycos global presence. In 1997, after the merger with ADT, Tyco moved its incorporation from Massachusetts to Bermuda. Over the last two decades Tyco has seen an impressive rise, booming business, devastating scandal, and complete resurrection of the organization. The company’s ethics have been under fire due to staggering legal setbacks. Fortunately, Tyco has been able bounce back, but the road back wasn’t an easy one. Spheres of Influence There have been many influences that shaped and molded Tyco since its inception in 1960. On July 19, 2001, the U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and Tyco Fire Products LP affiliate, Central Sprinkler Company, nnounced a voluntary replacement program. The recall was in response to defective O-ring seals. Central Sprinkler Company took action when they discovered that the O-ring sprinklers were degrading over time. According to their findings, the sprinkler heads could corrode or contaminants such as salt could affect the O-ring seals. Those factors could have caused the sprinkler heads not activate in the event of a fire. (CPSC, 2001) The labor and free parts replacement covered 37 million fire sprinklers with O-ring seals made from the mid-1970 until 2001. There were also 167,000 sprinkler heads also recalled made by Gem Sprinkler Company and Star Sprinkler Inc. This move by Tyco management was prompted for two serious reasons. The first reason for the recall was the quality of the product that was released by Tyco. After extensive research and testing, Central Sprinkler Company was fortunate to catch the defect in its own product. The second and probably the most motivating factor was the prospect of massive lawsuits stemming from a faulty O-ring. Had the fault been overlooked, many lives would have been put in danger. The sprinkler recall wasn’t the only recall the Tyco International was faced with; there was also recall on smoke detectors. On May 19, 2006, Tyco Fire Security in cooperation with the Consumer Product Safety Commission released a product safety recall on Tyco Fire Security Fire Detection Systems. It was estimated that the recall affected about 21,000 Fire Detection Systems throughout the United States. The fault fire detection systems very susceptible to reduced sensitivity to smoke in conditions of high humidity and high temperature. If this were to occur, the senor on the device could have delayed detecting the presence of smoke in the event of a fire. Tyco Fire Security contacted building owners and managers with these sensors and provided free software upgrades. Like the recall of the sprinkler O-rings, Tyco International management was forced to correct this potentially disastrous problem. Not only is this an issue of ethics, but also an issue of legality. By being proactive in the problem, many lives were saved, the company’s reputation was in tact, and no legal issues emerged. In 1992, Dennis Kozlowski became CEO of Tyco International and spearheaded an aggressive acquisition strategy that led to the acquiring multitude of companies. Over the decade Tyco International enjoyed a steady improve in earnings and Kozlowski was constantly ranked as one of highest paid CEO’s in the United States. In 2002, on the heels of talks about splitting up the company into four separate companies, Tyco International came under fire for illegal accounting practices. It was later discovered that there were millions of unauthorized payments made to CEO Dennis Kozlowski and other Tyco employees. Dennis Kozlowski resigned from the company shortly after the scandal, leaving shareholders and Tyco employees unsure of the company’s future. According to reports, 11 names among the 51 Tyco employees who, at Kozlowskis direction and without board approval, received $56 million in bonuses that in effect canceled out loans they had taken from the companys relocation program. It was also found that $50 million was paid to Kozlowski and former chief financial officer Mark Swartz. The company said Kozlowski misused $62 million of the companys coffers to purchase a $16. million apartment on Fifth Avenue in New York and $14 million for improvements and furnishings to the apartment. Some of the furnishings that lacked any legitimate business purpose included a $15,000 dog umbrella stand; a $17,100 traveling toilet box; a $6,000 shower curtain; a $2,200 gilt metal wastebasket; and $2,900 for coat hangers. Overall, between 1995 and 2002, Kozlowski only paid back $21. 7 million of the $62 million. (CBS, 2002) After appointing former Motorola COO Edward Breen to CEO, Tyco International filed two federal lawsuits against Kozlowski and a federal suit against Swartz. Kozlowski and Swartz were charged with enterprise corruption and grand larceny for allegedly stealing $170 million from the company and obtaining $430 million through the fraudulent sales of securities. Both were convicted of all but one count. In this case Tyco made right decision to prosecute anyone involved with this case. If the scandal would have been poorly handled, the financial repercussions would have been devastating. In 2003, Tyco adopted the Guide to Ethical Conduct in order to guide and advise employees as to correct procedures and warn of unethical practices and behavior. Each year Tyco employees are now required to take an ethics course and sign an ethics statement upon completion. Soon after the fallout of the scandal Tyco was faced with lawsuits from investors. These investors lost money from securities they purchased from Tyco between Dec 13, 1999 and June 7, 2002. Tyco was able to settle with investors for 2. 97 billion dollars. The Tyco settlement is currently the largest ever by a company (Norris, 2007). On June 29, 2007, Tyco broke up into three independent companies, each with its own management group. The three companies are Covidien Ltd, Tyco Electronics Ltd, and Tyco International Ltd (formerly Tyco Fire Security and Tyco Engineered Products Services). CEO of Tyco International, Edward Breen and his management staff have begun work on re-establishing Tyco’s name and reputation in the business community. The commitment to ethical business practices can be seen in the company’s governance statement: Tyco believes that good governance requires not only an effective set of specific practices but also a culture of responsibility throughout the firm. Read more about our commitment to the highest standards of corporate governance.

Monday, March 30, 2020

The Hudson Project Musical Festival Essay Example For Students

The Hudson Project Musical Festival Essay The Hudson Project Musical Festival of 2014 was the most exciting adventure I have ever experienced. It happened over the course of three days this past July. The goal of the people running this event was to create a modern day Woodstock, and I believe they did just that. They held the event in Saugerties, New York on Winston farm- which is over 800 acres of land. Although it was intimidating at first going on a camping trip with just me and my best friend, Katie, it truly was a life-changing experience. These types of festivals happen all the time, and have created a musically inclined following of some pretty rad people. We will write a custom essay on The Hudson Project Musical Festival specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We arrived on Thursday night, and got our parking space- which was about 5 miles from the actual venue. We didn’t realize how much of a hassle off-site parking would be, although it was definitely cheaper. After waiting on a line for four long hours, we finally boarded the shuttle bus and were on our way! Lucky for us, or so we thought, Katie and I had a friend of ours, who we planned on camping, with take our tent to set it up before we got there. We arrived at our camping area at around 4 in the morning and in our state of deliriousness, we noticed our tent had not been set up. Although Katie and I are both children who grew up around camping, neither of us could set up her tiny tent, especially not at 4 in the morning. With help from our friends, we managed to set up our tent- barely. Our excitement didn’t keep us up for long, and we slept dreaming of the long days we had ahead. Friday and Saturday were surreal. We emerged from our tent each day to see what seemed to be miles of more tents. Katie and I were like children in a candy store. The camping areas were set up and named after, the 5 city boroughs. In the center of all this chaos, was the music area- which was huge. There were 3 huge tents, and 2 main stages. Amongst the unique people and music there were tons of little shops selling an arrangement of little trinkets, hippie clothes, and whatever other wonders you may have found. Although we were exhausted from the night we arrived, you would have never been able to tell. Throughout the day, the artists who played were obviously not the headliners me and Katie had come for, so we would walk around and explore all they had to offer at this amazing place. This festival was not limited to just music, in the center of the concert area, there was a huge circle of 5 blank canvases that you could buy, if you desired. At first we obviously did not know what this was, but as the weekend went on these blank canvases were transformed into amazing works of art. There was a set schedule every day and many different activities were included. It was a bit difficult to get to enjoy early morning activities offered, such as yoga and other meditations, because the DJs who played at night would go on until around 2 in the morning. Saturday night was my favorite night, but it created a big mess. Katie and I, along with a group of friends from home we met up with, were wandering from stage to stage waiting for Big Gigantic, a group we all looked forward to seeing. They played for about 2 hours, and every second was amazing. Due to the fact that charging your phone was nearly impossible, it was very important to make sure you stayed near your group. So, Katie and I were in a group with 3 of our close friends having an amazing time dancing and enjoying the great music when all of a sudden it began to downpour. The initial reaction of everyone was just to scream- out of anger, excitement, and even fear. Although this event definitely made me dislike the rain, the way the rain felt with that music was indescribable. After about 5 minutes we all realized that we all had our phones and they would be ruined soon if we didn’t act quickly. Since Katie and I’s tent was a lot closer than our friends, we made a sacrifice and took everyone’s belongings back to our tent. We did not have our phones so we made a plan to meet at a spot in 20 minutes. Now, teenagers do not have a great sense of time so we all had our doubts about actually meeting up-especially because there were thousands of people all around us. Once we got to our tent- the reality of it all set in. Like I said, our tent was barely set up, and we knew that the rain was getting in. We did what we could to protect our things from getting soaked, but our effort didn’t help much. By the time we were finished we knew it had absolutely been 20 minutes, so naturally we spent another 10 minutes debating if going out in the rain was worth possibly not finding our friends. We finally decided that we were here regardless of the circumstances, and that we needed to make the best of it. We ran to the concert area and felt completely lost scanning the huge crowds. There was one big white tent right in the middle and that’s where we had said we would meet. Katie and I walked right up through the tent and emerged on the other side to see another huge mob in front of the main stage; we were almost out of hope at this point. All of a sudden, we saw our friends and rejoiced. We all decided that it was some type of miracle; they had been walking around looking for us because we took so long and were about to head back to the show when they saw us walk out of the tent. This happening reversed any negative thoughts I was having about the rain, and I had an amazing night. .udb6fe9e6edd1729d0708b306a0768cd4 , .udb6fe9e6edd1729d0708b306a0768cd4 .postImageUrl , .udb6fe9e6edd1729d0708b306a0768cd4 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .udb6fe9e6edd1729d0708b306a0768cd4 , .udb6fe9e6edd1729d0708b306a0768cd4:hover , .udb6fe9e6edd1729d0708b306a0768cd4:visited , .udb6fe9e6edd1729d0708b306a0768cd4:active { border:0!important; } .udb6fe9e6edd1729d0708b306a0768cd4 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .udb6fe9e6edd1729d0708b306a0768cd4 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .udb6fe9e6edd1729d0708b306a0768cd4:active , .udb6fe9e6edd1729d0708b306a0768cd4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .udb6fe9e6edd1729d0708b306a0768cd4 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udb6fe9e6edd1729d0708b306a0768cd4 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .udb6fe9e6edd1729d0708b306a0768cd4 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .udb6fe9e6edd1729d0708b306a0768cd4 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .udb6fe9e6edd1729d0708b306a0768cd4:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .udb6fe9e6edd1729d0708b306a0768cd4 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .udb6fe9e6edd1729d0708b306a0768cd4 .udb6fe9e6edd1729d0708b306a0768cd4-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .udb6fe9e6edd1729d0708b306a0768cd4:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Music Marketing EssaySunday was the day â€Å"mudson project† started. I would always wake up before Katie simply because I couldn’t sleep once the sun was up. Sunday morning, myself and Angela (a mutual friend of Katie and I) decided to take the shuttle bus to my car to charge our phones. The weather for that day was not looking promising and in my tired state I decided we would probably leave that night, instead of Monday morning. Our camping location really ended up saving our lives. We entered at the north entrance and the shuttle bus â€Å"stop† was a gas station about 5 minutes walking distance from our tents. By the time me and Angela got to my car, we were shot. After 3 days of being up until 2 A. M and awake by 8 A. M- the exhaustion was beginning to catch up to us. I decided that Katie and I would leave that night after the artist we wanted to see was finished preforming. The decision to move my car to a hotel across the street that day was the best decision I made all weekend. When we arrived back at the camper I told Katie the plan and at first she was upset because she, obviously, did not want to leave this amazing place. Literally over-night this beautiful farm land turned into a huge mud pit. Sunday was a bit of a recuperation day so we didn’t leave the tent until the first artist we wanted to see was preforming, this was not until 5 P. M. We spent the day being lazy and as the time approached our anticipation grew. Unfortunately, when we arrived at the gate to the concert area the security officers were turning people away. We over-heard a few conversations and realized that they were cancelling the day’s performances due to the weather. Everyone was really upset by this, of course, because we all paid good money to come to this event. Once Katie realized the concert was probably over she came to her senses and we started to bring the bulk of our things to my car so we would have a lighter load later on. We waited a few hours just to be sure we wouldn’t miss anything, but we instead got caught in the most intense rain storm I have ever been in. My car was not even half a mile from our tents, and by the time we got to it with the remainder of our things, I felt like I just got out of a pool. By the time we left on Sunday evening, we were smelly (showers were 6 dollars-each), tired, and ready to be in our beds. This music festival was by far the most exciting thing I have ever experienced. It was an eye opening event that exposed me to not only new music, but new people, unique art, and a different way of life. On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 7:37 PM, Kayla Kelly wrote: Kayla Kelly The Hudson Project Musical Festival of 2014 was the most exciting adventure I have ever experienced. It happened over the course of three days this past July. The goal of the people running this event was to create a modern day Woodstock, and I believe they did just that. They held the event in Saugerties, New York on Winston farm- which is over 800 acres of land. Although it was intimidating at first going on a camping trip with just me and my best friend, Katie, it truly was a life-changing experience. These types of festivals happen all the time, and have created a musically inclined following of some pretty special people. We arrived on Thursday night, and got our parking space- which was about 5 miles from the actual venue. We didn’t realize how much of a hassle off-site parking would be, although it was definitely cheaper. After waiting on a line for four long hours, we finally boarded the shuttle bus and were on our way! Lucky for us, or so we thought, me and Katie had a friend of ours who we planned on camping with take our tent to set it up before we got there. We arrived at our camping area at around 4 in the morning and in our state of deliriousness, we noticed our tent had not been set up. Although me and Katie are both children who grew up around camping, neither of us could set up her tiny tent, especially not at 4 in the morning. With help from our friends, we managed to set up our tent- barely. Our excitement didn’t keep us up for long, and we slept dreaming of the long days we had ahead. Friday and Saturday were surreal. We emerged from our tent each day to see what seemed to be miles of more tents. Me and Katie were like children in a candy store. The camping areas were set up like, and named after, the 5 city boroughs. In the center of all this chaos, was the music area- which was huge. There were 3 huge tents, and 2 main stages. Amongst the unique people and music there were tons of little shops selling an arrangement of little trinkets, hippie clothes, and whatever other wonders you may have found. Although we were exhausted from the night we arrived, you would have never been able to tell. Throughout the day, the artists who played were obviously not the headliners me and Katie had come for, so we would walk around and explore all they had to offer at this amazing place. This festival was not limited to just music, in the center of the concert area, there was a huge circle of 5 blank canvases that you could buy, if you desired. At first we obviously did not know what this was, but as the weekend went on these blank canvases were transformed into amazing works of art. There was a set schedule every day and many different activities were included. It was a bit difficult to get to enjoy early morning activities offered, such as yoga and other meditations, because the DJs who played at night would go on until around 2 in the morning. Saturday night was my favorite night, but it created a big mess. Katie, myself, and a group of our friends were wandering from stage to stage waiting for Big Gigantic, a group we all looked forward to seeing. They played for about 2 hours, and every second was amazing. .uf07a3a9aa359082af6c8dc44687fd297 , .uf07a3a9aa359082af6c8dc44687fd297 .postImageUrl , .uf07a3a9aa359082af6c8dc44687fd297 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf07a3a9aa359082af6c8dc44687fd297 , .uf07a3a9aa359082af6c8dc44687fd297:hover , .uf07a3a9aa359082af6c8dc44687fd297:visited , .uf07a3a9aa359082af6c8dc44687fd297:active { border:0!important; } .uf07a3a9aa359082af6c8dc44687fd297 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf07a3a9aa359082af6c8dc44687fd297 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf07a3a9aa359082af6c8dc44687fd297:active , .uf07a3a9aa359082af6c8dc44687fd297:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf07a3a9aa359082af6c8dc44687fd297 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf07a3a9aa359082af6c8dc44687fd297 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf07a3a9aa359082af6c8dc44687fd297 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf07a3a9aa359082af6c8dc44687fd297 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf07a3a9aa359082af6c8dc44687fd297:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf07a3a9aa359082af6c8dc44687fd297 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf07a3a9aa359082af6c8dc44687fd297 .uf07a3a9aa359082af6c8dc44687fd297-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf07a3a9aa359082af6c8dc44687fd297:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Music : Expressionism EssayDue to the fact that charging your phone was nearly impossible, it was very important to make sure you stayed near your group. This was my first experience, but I took note that many people who regularly attend these events create huge signs to hold up above the crowd for friends to see. So, Katie and I were in a group with 3 of our close friends having an amazing time dancing and enjoying the great music when all of a sudden it began to downpour. The initial reaction of everyone was just to scream- out of anger, excitement, and even fear. Although this event definitely made me dislike the rain, the way the rain felt with that music was indescribable. After about 5 minutes we all realized that we all had our phones and they would be ruined soon if we didn’t act quickly. Since Katie and I’s tent was a lot closer than our friends, we made a sacrifice and took everyone’s belongings back to our tent. We did not have our phones so we made a plan to meet at a spot in 20 minutes. Now, teenagers do not have a great sense of time so we all had our doubts about actually meeting up-especially because there was thousands of people all around us. Once we got to our tent- the reality of it all set in. Like I said, our tent was barely set up, and we knew that the rain was getting in. We did what we could to protect our things from getting soaked, but our effort didn’t help much. By the time we were finished we knew it had absolutely been 20 minutes, so naturally we spent another 10 minutes debating if going out in the rain was worth possibly not finding our friends. We finally decided that we were here regardless of the circumstances, and that we needed to make the best of it. We ran to the concert area and felt completely lost scanning the huge crowds. There was one big white tent right in the middle and that’s where we had said we would meet. Katie and I walked right up through the tent and emerged on the other side to see another huge mob in front of the main stage, we were almost out of hope at this point. All of a sudden, we saw our friends and rejoiced. We all decided that it was some type of miracle; they had been walking around looking for us because we took so long and were about to head back to the show when they saw us walk out of the tent. This happening reversed any negative thoughts I was having about the rain, and I had an amazing night. Sunday was the day â€Å"mudson project† started. I would always wake up before Katie simply because I couldn’t sleep once the sun was up. Sunday morning, myself and Angela (a mutual friend of Katie and I) decided to take the shuttle bus to my car to charge our phones. The weather for that day was not looking promising and in my tired state I decided we would probably leave that night, instead of Monday morning. Our camping location really ended up saving our lives. We entered at the north entrance and the shuttle bus â€Å"stop† was a gas station about 5 minutes walking distance from our tents. By the time me and Angela got to my car, we were shot. After 3 days of being up until 2 A. M and awake by 8 A. M- the exhaustion was beginning to catch up to us. I decided that me and Katie would leave that night after the artist we wanted to see was finished preforming. The decision to move my car to a hotel across the street that day was the best decision I made all weekend. When we arrived back at the camper I told Katie the plan and at first she was upset because she, obviously, did not want to leave this amazing place. Literally over-night this beautiful farm land turned into a huge mud pit. Sunday was a bit of a recuperation day so we didn’t leave the tent until the first artist we wanted to see was preforming, this was not until 5 P. M. We spent the day being lazy and as the time approached our anticipation grew. Unfortunately, when we arrived at the gate to the concert area the security officers were turning people away. We over-heard a few conversations and realized that they were canceling the days performances due to the weather. Everyone was really upset by this, of course, because we all paid good money to come to this event. Once Katie realized the concert was probably over she came to her senses and we started to bring the bulk of our thins to my car so we would have a lighter load later on. We waited a few hours just to be sure we wouldn’t miss anything, but we instead got caught in the most intense rain storm I have ever been in. My car was not even half a mile from our tents, and by the time we got to it with the remainder of our things, I felt like I just got out of a pool. By the time we left on Sunday evening, we were smelly (showers were 6 dollars-each), tired, and ready to be in our beds. This music festival was by far the most exciting and thing I have ever experienced. It was an eye opening event that exposed me to not only new music, but new people, unique art, and a different way of life.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Stalin - For the good of the State essays

Stalin - For the good of the State essays Assessing Russian Reactions to Stalin's Time Overcoming all of the problems that were inherent during the Stalin years is something that will take generations for the new Russian Federation to accomplish. The inefficient bureaucracy; brutal suppression of individuality, creativity, and opposing viewpoints; personal abuse of authority and exploitation of the lower classes; and the sheer power of a government which struck complete terror into the very core of an entire nation is a seventy-year habit that Russia must work diligently to reverse. Hochschild relates a saying that perfectly describes how the average person felt during Stalin's time (and even into modern times): "If you live with the wolves, you must howl with the wolves" (9). This illustrates how the population sought conformity and belonging. The purported reason for all of the atrocities committed was for 'the good of the State', but in reality, Stalin was the state. Everything else served to support and serve him. In his need for unassailable control, he determine d that he was so great that there must be opposition, and it must be rooted out. And rooted out it was, even if it had to be created by arresting, imprisoning, exiling, and executing the innocent. To this day, still found among the people of Russia, is that desire to belong and conform, but more so is the tendency to be afraid to mention the terrible things that went on during Stalin's rule. How does one describe an entire nation in denial? The answer is: Not very easily. Organizations are springing up in the wake of glasnost and perestroika, and the removal of censorship once rampant in the USSR. These organizations are serving as a means of the displaced, the separated families, and the victims of Stalin's brutalities to comfort, reassure, inform, and remember all that was not only lost, but violently taken away. ...

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Teacher CollaborationCommunication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Teacher CollaborationCommunication - Essay Example Study group, formal as well as informal seminars and trainings, faculty presentation in conferences are some of the activities that promote teacher collaboration. It serves as venue for teachers to support each other's strengths, discuss their weaknesses, sharing of pool of ideas, strategies and materials. Teacher collaboration result in enhancing collegial relationship that breaks the isolation, burn out, and job dissatisfaction. Instead, teachers attain high level of professional fulfillment, enthusiasm at work and job satisfaction. Teachers become more equipped in the classroom, able to reconcile differences of colleagues and students and able to settle occasional conflicts effectively. Since there is collaboration, complex tasks are managed better, new ideas emerge, thus improve schools' curriculum and instruction. Although not uniformly good, teachers who have spent time to work with others have noticed significant improvements in their students' academic performance, attitudes and behavior, and attitude. Since teachers are living examples of collaborative behavior for their students, be it in extracurricular activities or in academic endeavors, students may be influenced by them.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Comparison of the U.S foreign policy in the Middle East under the Bush Essay

Comparison of the U.S foreign policy in the Middle East under the Bush Doctrine and Obama Administration - Essay Example In the words of Irving Kristol, the heralded ‘Godfather of Neoconservatism’, Neoconservatism â€Å"is not a movement but a persuasion, one that manifests itself over time, but erratically, and one who’s meaning we clearly glimpse only in retrospect.† Neoconservatism emerged as a dialogue with liberalism and these neoconservatives were driven to the right in the early 1970s when crime was increasing in the United States , the soviet Union was making a lot of progress in the cold war and the dominant wing of the Democratic party was not willing to get tough on their problem. With this, it bore another much broader concept: American exceptionalism. This discours according to Michael McKinley speaks of America as â€Å"embodying an inexpugnable uniqueness beyond the common conceits of national identity found universally.† In other words it is derived from the concept of manifest destiny and the declaration of independence. The Bush Doctrine lays its persistence upon the value of war culture as basis for maintaining strong nationalism and cultural unity. We see it creating the justification for the U.S to create a new enemy with the USSR. The presidents rhetoric â€Å"Either you are with us or you are against us† embodied the exceptionalist concept whereby the â€Å"terrorists† were characterized as â€Å"enemies of freedom†. It is a manipulation which serves to create an ‘us vs. ... The main difference however is the liberal approach on the Obama’s administration on the United Nations, where he embraces the importance of multilateral organizations and uses more diplomatic stunts and mediation between states. There is no punishment to the country that does not offer assistance to the U.S in the Obama’s administration which was in contrast to the Bush Doctrine. The other difference between the two was that the Bush Doctrine has disdain for international institutions and sees them as constraints to the US power while the latter actually sees them as a useful way to legitimate America dominance. With this it is clear that both of them exploit the virtues of American Democracy, both resort to military power as a vessel of change and both seek to ensure United States as the global dominant. In as much as we see a lot of similarities, Obama’s more liberal approach seems to be more effective compared to the Bush Doctrine. This is because in as much as the Obama administration is trying to uphold the externalization, it also makes all the other nations feel like allies since there is no force used and thus feel more willing to join hands. Comparisons between the US foreign policy towards Russia and towards the European Union One of the priorities of the Obama’s administration foreign policies was to see upon the change of certain international agendas but with great observation to a more diplomatic approach. He also stressed in multilateralism. In other words this is increased relation with the third world countries with which the former presidents regime were in constant logger heads with like Iran. This is something that has

Monday, January 27, 2020

Leadership Is About Leading Followers Management Essay

Leadership Is About Leading Followers Management Essay According to Williams, C McWilliams, A, leadership is about leading followers to achieve organization or company goals. The purpose of this essay is to define the differences between transformational leadership and transactional leadership. The former facilitates a redefinition of a peoples mission and vision, a renewal of their commitment and the restructuring of their systems for goal accomplishment (Leithwood, cited in Cashin et al. 2000, pp. 1). While the latter occur when the give and take exchange happens. Transformational leadership usually called as a charismatic leadership. It is the most studied guide of leadership (Bass 1985, 1990; Bass Avolio 1993, 1994; Gastil 1994; Lowe et al.1996; Pawar Eastman 1997; Shamir et al. 1998; Yammorino et al.1997; Yukl 1994), while transactional leadership called as an authoritative leadership, serves to articulate and establish positions held by the leader. This leadership is the least supportive of intentional change (McWhinney 1997, pp. 194). The differences between both of them are the process and the behavior. The process of transformational leadership which is a leadership focusing on team building and strategies where all employees and leaders have a strong bond to make decisions to reach the target. For example: the McDonalds manager obligation is to make strategy how to provide less time to serve the chickens. While the process of transactional leadership is about making sure everything goes as desire and about the reward and the punishme nt. The rewards are given such as honor, wage, etc. While, the punishment is well understood by everyone. The example of transactional leadership is job for McDonalds employees is to sell as many chickens as possible. According to Bass (1985), transactional leadership behaviors which are the leadership aiming at monitoring and controlling employees through rational or economic means. While transformational leadership behaviors are a variety of field studies demonstrating that are positively related to employees satisfaction, self-reported effort, and job performances. Transformational / charismatic leadership usually make a better performance than transactional / authoritative leadership. It will produce a greater satisfaction and make less role conflict.   In addition, Ashkanasy Tse (2000) and Bass (2002) said that, emotions are playing an important rule in the leaderships process. Transformational leadership is very sensitive to the emotions of the followers. This sensitiveness could lead the followers to a good result if the leaders have a positive thought. Example: if the leaders of the groups have a very high self-motivation, the followers can reach beyond what they expected because they can trust their leaders, otherwise if leaders without positive thought, the leaders will not get the employees trust. While in the transactional leadership, it does not seem to be as sensitive as the transformational leadership. In this leadership, the leaders are not supporting the employees and cause the negative effects that make frustrations, sadness and regret to the employees because not getting what they want or expect. So, transformational leadership is more related to the positive effects while transactional leadership is more related to the negative effects.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Everyone personality is different, so do the leaders. Which will provide different impact to the followers. Bass (1985) identified eight dimensions of leadership behaviors. The first transformational behavior is an idealized influence, refers to leaders who have a very high personal regard and who engender loyalty from followers. The second transformational leadership behavior is an inspirational motivation, refers to leaders with a strong vision for the future based on values and ideals. The third transformational leadership dimension is an intellectual stimulation, which refers to leaders who challenge organizational norms. Individual consideration is the fourth transformational leadership dimension, refers to a leader behavior aiming at recognizing the unique growth and development the needs of followers. The fifth is contingent reward, refers to leadership behaviors focused on exchange of resources. The next one is management by exception-active, refers to monitoring performance and taking corrective action as necessary. In the management by exception-passive, the leaders are taking a passive approach. Finally, Bass (1985) included Laissez-Faire under the transactional leadership label.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     An example of Malaysians business which have transformational leadership is Air Asia. The owner of Air Asia is Tony Fernandes who was born on 30th  April 1964, this organization is bought by him from DRB-Hicom. He studied in London, United Kingdom majoring in Finance in 1976 and graduated in 1987. Before he joined Warner Music International London in 1989 and had been promoted four times in twelve years (approximately promoted every three years), he worked in Virgin group majoring in communications. In 1992, he was transferred to Malaysia back to his hometown. And at the age of 28, he received the title of the youngest person in recording music industrys history to head Warner Music Malaysia. Unfortunately, he leave his promising career in music industry which he had earned the position as a vice president, ASEAN region because he was going to build a low price airline based on almost the same business models as in USA (Southwest Airlines) and E urope (Ryanair easyJet). Setia Mahkota Selangor is the title which he got in 1999 and given by his Royal Highness King of Malaysia Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah. In this airline organization he lead, the first priority is the employees, it can be said that this is showing the organizations loyalty. Because of this organizations trustworthiness, the employees give a good service to the customers to show the respect to the organization. This transformational leadership behavior is included into an idealized influence.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Even though transformational leadership is more recommended than transactional leadership as it is said above, it does not mean that transactional leadership is not important. Because the function of transactional leadership is to motivate employees to do beyond than they could expect. So both of the leadership is needed in every organization. The organization should balance their leadership between the transformational and transactional leadership. (916 words)

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Explain Why Pope Urban Ll Called for a Crusade

In 1095, at the Council of Clermont, Pope Urban ll made a powerful and well planned speech. His message was clear and precise, ‘go to the holy land in Jerusalem and claim back what is rightfully yours or die trying, and in return remission of all your sins with the assurance of the imperishable glory of the kingdom of heaven’. He was addressing Christians from all over France calling for a ‘Crusade’ in the name of God and as many would argue, abusing his authority and status he received from the Catholic Church.What occurred during the First Crusade is well known to many, whereas the reason behind Pope Urban ll calling the Crusade is a highly debated and contradicting issue. One of the reasons which are occasionally cited for Urban’s calling of the First Crusade is the call of help which Alexins Comnenus had sent to Urban at the Council of Piacenza. This letter was sent in response to the loss of Byzantine land which had occurred after the battle of M anzikert in 1072.The letter When Urban received this letter it is debateable as to whether he was actually galvanised by the thought of helping Alexins or if his main motive was an attempt at ending the schism between the Catholic Church and the Greek Orthodox church in Constantinople. This is likely as it was one of the ideals of the papal reform movement which Urban belonged to, following in the footsteps of his predecessor, Gregory VII. By making out to help the Byzantine emperor in their time of need, Urban hoped to heal the schism.Another reason behind why Urban called for a Crusade is for religious purposes. He felt Christians in the East needed to be rescued from persecution and had ‘suffered mightily at the hands of the Turks’ and there men and children were being persecuted and there women raped , this was also backed up in Alexins letter to the Pope. Christians were supposedly suffering under Muslim rule after the Byzantine Empire was defeated by the Seljuk Tu rks who reverted to Islam, at the point when Islam was a religion quickly rising in power and dominance.Urban saw this violation of the Christian race as a great disrespect of Christianity and used it as a stimulus in his speech at the Council of Clermont which angered and therefore manipulated the Christian race into heading to the holy land for the First Crusade. Finally, an additional reason for Urban’s calling for a so called Crusade was that he felt ‘the lands of Christ needed to be reclaimed’ and in the control of Christianity not in the hands of ‘infidels’. Jerusalem is at the centre of the Christian faith and is the eligions birth place. It is the land in which Jesus was crucified and then, as Christians believe, bought back to life in a miracle event. Urban said in his speech, ‘wrest that land from the wicked race, that land which the scripture says floweth with milk and honey and was given by god to the children of Israel’. By these few words we can understand why Urban felt so strongly that it the land of Christians and why he ordered for it to be reclaimed, even if it mean death.At the time of Urban’s speech Jerusalam was under the rule of Muslim, who also have a strong attachment with the land as it is the place where the holy prophet descended to heaven. Urban however believed that it belonged to the Christians and therefore ordered it to be reclaimed in the ‘name of god’. Pope Urban ll called for a Crusade at the Council of Clermont to claim back what he believed rightfully belonged to the Christians and unite the Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches. Through the cover of Alexins plea for help Urban strengthened relations with the Byzantine Empire and called on a Crusade that was to claim thousands of lives.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Israeli Wars from 1948 to Present Essay

The 1948 War of Independence, which took place between November 1947 and July 1949, was started by a 6 month civil war between Jewish and Arab militias at the end of the British mandate of Palestine. This turned into a regular war after the declaration of Independence and the intervention of several Arab armies. The five surrounding Arab nations i. e. Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon with support from Saudi Arabia launched a coordinated attack on Israel from the land, sea and air. These countries were urged on by their leaders who assured them that they could return after all Jews had been driven out (Eisenberg 147). The Jews were, however, able to defeat Arab armies resulting in an armistice that was signed in 1949 signaling an end to the conflict. The Armistice agreements were signed between Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. They established the armistice lines between Israel and the West Bank also known as the Green line. The Sinai War of 29th October 1956 involved a military attack on Egypt by Britain, France and Israel. Israeli troops invaded Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula and quickly overcame opposition as they raced for the Suez Canal. Britain and France offered to temporarily occupy the Canal Zone and suggested a 10 mile buffer on either side to separate Egyptian forces from the Israelis. Egyptian President Nasser objected and on 31st October 1956, Egypt was attacked by Britain and France. Consequently, the Soviet Union threatened to attack on Egypt’s behalf but it took the intervention of U. S. President Eisenhower to get them to agree to a ceasefire. The war itself lasted for only a week with invading forces withdrawn within a month. The Six Day War took place in June 1967. It was fought between June 5th and June 10th. The war was against Syria, Jordan and Egypt as Israel believed that it was only a matter of time before the three Arab states attacked her. After the 1956 crisis, the United Nations (UN) had established a military presence in the Middle East but in 1967, Egypt made it clear that the UN was unwanted in the region. Israel viewed this as a sign that Egypt was preparing to attack and rather than wait to be hit, they launched a hugely successful military campaign against its perceived enemies. Following the war, the territory held by Israel expanded significantly and it now included the West Bank, Sinai, the Golan Heights and Gaza. The War of Attrition was a limited war that was fought between Israel and Egypt from 1967 to 1970. This war was initiated by Egyptians as a way of recapturing the Sinai from the Israelis who had been in control of the territory since the Six Day War. The Egyptian President believed that Israel would be unable to endure the economic burden and casualties of war. To this end, he ordered calibrated attacks on Israel which would not provoke an all out Israeli war response. The hostilities ended when a ceasefire was signed between the countries in 1970 with frontiers remaining in the same place as when the war began. The Yom Kippur War of 1973 is so called as it began on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), the holiest day of prayer and fasting in the Jewish calendar. This war is variously referred to as the October War. It started with a surprise Arab attack on Israel knowing that the military would be participating in religious celebrations. Israeli forces were initially overwhelmed but by October 8th, bolstered by reserves, they counter attacked in the Sinai. They managed to push back the Egyptian military. The United Nations organized a ceasefire on October 24th and in September 1975, Egypt and Israel signed an interim agreement. Still, there were no significant territorial changes. The First Lebanon War began on 6th June 1982 when Israeli forces invaded Southern Lebanon. The government launched military operations after an assassination attempt against Israel’s ambassador to the U. K. by a mercenary organization opposed to the PLO. Israel then attacked the PLO as well as Syrian and Muslim Lebanese forces before they occupied Southern Lebanon. The war ended after three years in 1985 when Israel stabilized in the safety strap lengthwise along the border. The Second Lebanon War was sparked when Hezbollah guerillas ambushed an Israeli patrol on the border on July 12 2006. Israel’s Prime Minister Ehud Olmert declared his intention to free the captives and remove Hezbollah from Southern Lebanon forever and thus began an ultimately inconclusive month long war. During the short conflict, Israel lost 119 soldiers and 43 civilians whilst Lebanese civilians bore the brunt of the war with more than 1000 killed. The UN Security Council unanimously approved UN Resolution 1701 on 11th August 2006 to end hostilities.

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Battle of the Wilderness - American Civil War

The Battle of the Wilderness was fought May 5-7, 1864, during the American Civil War (1861-1865). In March 1864, President Abraham Lincoln promoted Ulysses S. Grant to lieutenant general and gave him command of all Union armies. Grant elected to turn over operational control of the western armies to Major General William T. Sherman and shifted his headquarters east to travel with Major General George G. Meades Army of the Potomac. For the coming campaign, Grant planned to attack General Robert E. Lees Army of Northern Virginia from three directions. First, Meade was to cross the Rapidan River east of the Confederate position at Orange Court House, before swinging west to engage the enemy. To the south, Major General Benjamin Butler was to advance up the Peninsula from Fort Monroe and threaten Richmond, while to the west Major General Franz Sigel laid waste to the resources of the Shenandoah Valley. Badly outnumbered, Lee was forced to assume a defensive position. Unsure of Grants intentions, he had placed Lieutenant General Richard Ewells Second Corps and Lieutenant General A.P. Hills Third Corps in earthworks along the Rapidan. Lieutenant General James Longstreets First Corps was positioned to the rear at Gordonsville from which it could reinforce the Rapidan line or shift south to cover Richmond. Union Commanders Lieutenant General Ulysses S. GrantMajor General George G. Meadeapprox. 102,000 men Confederate Commanders General Robert E. Leeapprox. 61,000 men Grant Meade Move Out In the pre-dawn hours of May 4, Union forces began departing their camps near Culpeper Court House and marching south. Divided into two wings, the Federal advance saw Major General Winfield S. Hancocks II Corps cross the Rapidan at Elys Ford before reaching camps near Chancellorsville around noon. To the west, Major General Gouverneur K. Warrens V Corps crossed over pontoon bridges at Germanna Ford, followed by Major General John Sedgwicks VI Corps. Marching five miles south, Warrens men reached Wilderness Tavern at the intersection of the Orange Turnpike and Germanna Plank Road before halting (Map). While Sedgwicks men occupied the road back to the ford, Grant and Meade established their headquarters near the tavern. Not believing that Lee could reach the area until late on May 5, Grant intended to use the next day to advance west, consolidate his forces, and bring up Major General Ambrose Burnsides IX Corps. As Union troops rested, they were forced to spend the night in the Wilderness of Spotsylvania, a vast area of thick, second-growth forest that negated the Union advantage in manpower and artillery. Their situation was further imperiled by a lack of cavalry patrols on the roads leading towards Lee. Lee Reacts Alerted to the Union movements, Lee quickly ordered Ewell and Hill to begin moving east to meet the threat. Orders were also issued for Longstreet to rejoin the army. As a result, Ewells men camped that night at Robertsons Tavern on the Orange Turnpike, only three miles from Warrens unsuspecting corps. Moving along the Orange plank road, Hills men made similar progress. It was Lees hope that he could pin Grant in place with Ewell and Hill to allow Longstreet to strike at the Union left flank. A daring scheme, it required him to hold Grants army with fewer than 40,000 men to buy time for Longstreet to arrive. The Fighting Begins Early on May 5, Warren spotted Ewells approach up the Orange Turnpike. Instructed to engage by Grant, Warren began moving west. Reaching the edge of a clearing known as Saunders Field, Ewells men began digging in as Warren deployed the divisions of Brigadier Generals Charles Griffin and James Wadsworth on the far side. Studying the field, Warren found that Ewells line extended beyond his own and that any attack would see his men enfiladed. As a result, Warren asked Meade to postpone any attack until Sedgwick came up on his flank. This was refused and the assault moved forward. Surging across Saunders Field, Union troops quickly saw their right shattered by Confederate flanking fire. While Union forces had some success south of the turnpike, it could not be exploited and the assault was thrown back. Bitter fighting continued to rage in Saunders Field as Wadsworths men attacked through the thick forest south of the field. In confused fighting, they fared little better. By 3:00 PM, when Sedgwicks men arrived at the north, the fighting had quieted. The arrival of VI Corps renewed the battle as Sedgwicks men unsuccessfully attempted to overrun Ewells lines in the woods above the field (Map). Hill Holds To the south, Meade had been alerted to Hills approach and directed three brigades under Brigadier General George Getty to cover the intersection of the Brock Road and Orange Plank Road. Reaching the crossroads, Getty was able to fend off Hill. As Hill prepared to assault Getty in earnest, Lee established his headquarters a mile to the rear at the Widow Tapp Farm. Around 4:00 PM, Getty was ordered to attack Hill. Aided by Hancock, whose men were just arriving, Union forces increased pressure on Hill forcing Lee to commit his reserves to the fight. Brutal fighting raged in the thickets until nightfall. Longstreet to the Rescue With Hills corps on the point of collapse, Grant sought to focus Union efforts for the next day on the Orange Plank Road. To do so, Hancock and Getty would renew their attack while Wadsworth shifted south to strike Hills left. Burnsides corps was ordered to enter the gap between the turnpike and plank road to threaten the enemy rear. Lacking additional reserves, Lee hoped to have Longstreet in place to support Hill by dawn. As the sun began to rise, the First Corps was not in sight. Around 5:00 AM, the massive Union assault began. Punching up the Orange Plank Road, Union forces overwhelmed Hills men driving them back to the Widow Tapp Farm. As the Confederate resistance was about to break, the lead elements of Longstreets corps arrived on the scene. Quickly counterattacking, they struck Union forces with immediate results. Having become disorganized during their advance, the Union troops were forced back. As the day progressed series of Confederate counterattacks, including a flanking attack utilizing an unfinished railroad grade, forced Hancock back to the Brock Road where his men entrenched. In the course of the fighting, Longstreet was severely wounded by friend fire and taken from the field. Late in the day, Lee conducted an assault on Hancocks Brock Road line but was unable to break through. On Ewells front, Brigadier General John B. Gordon found that Sedgwicks right flank was unprotected. Through the day he advocated for a flank attack but was rebuffed. Towards nightfall, Ewell relented and the attack moved forward. Pushing through the thick brush, it shattered Sedgwicks right forcing it back the Germanna Plank Road. Darkness prevented the attack from being exploited further (Map). Aftermath of the Battle During the night a brushfire broke out between the two armies, burning many of the wounded and creating a surreal landscape of death and destruction. Feeling that no additional advantage could be had by continuing the battle, Grant elected to move around Lees right flank towards Spotsylvania Court House where the fighting would continue on May 8. Union losses in the battle totaled around 17,666, while Lees were approximately 11,000. Accustomed to retreating after bloody battles, the Union soldiers cheered and sang when they turned south upon leaving the battlefield. Selected Sources CWSAC Battle Summary: WildernessHistory of War: Battle of the WildernessFredericksburg Spotsylvania National Military Park